AgreeMe Checkboxes For WooCommerce, This WordPress plugin that lets you add ‘Checkbox’ fields to WooCommerce product, cart and checkout pages to collect user confirmation and display them at order invoice and emails. With optional custom fee attached to the order total per checkbox.
Add Checkbox Field with Options to customize
- Label
- Place Type – Product Page, Cart Page, Checkout Page, Multiple Checkout page location option
- Matching Conditions Product=xx, product categories
- Matching Condition for cart and checkout page: Order Total > < xxx and Product in cart matches xxx,yyy,zzz
- Agree Text Content Post id: zzz will show as alerts or notices.
- Required Field validation alerts.
- Optionally add Custom fee to the order total if customer agrees.
- Store agreement details as Order meta and display those in admin Order details page and order confirmation emails.
- Supports the latest WP/Woocommerce versions. WP 6.4.3/Woocommerce 8.6.1