Sell your training materials, videos, pdf tutorials, driver files and other documents embedded within pages, posts and any other custom post type pages by associating them with a Woocommerce product.
The customer buying the product gets access to the associated protected contents optionally for specified number of days or life time access.
This can be used to sell video tutorials, pdf contents and other digital data as products.
Sell Pages, Digital contents, Video access, Manuals for products
- Option Available under Woocommerce Settings Tab
- Add multiple access packages and link with a Woocommerce product with a price
- Each Access package can protect multiple pages and posts under a custom post type
- Supports protecting ACF field contents linked to pages and Posts/custom post type
- With validity for a specific number of days from the date of purchase.
How to use the Plugin?
Download, Install and Activate the plugin.
Plugin Settings available under Woocommerce->Settings->Content Sell Licenses.
Create one or more required “License access” associated any existing woocommerce product and multiple pages, posts or custom post types.
Edit the pages/posts/custom post type to be protected and mark those as “Protected”, so those cant be accessed or viewed without access.
When the license associated product is bought, their “completed order” email will have links to access the protected pages/posts.Those links can also be accessed from the MyAccount->order details page.
- We are open to your suggestions and feedback and more custom solutions can be provided. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!